The equatorial honey

With vast equatorial forests and a growing number of its small-scale farmers embracing modern beekeeping blended with traditional knowledge passed over the generations in these local communities, bee keeping is rapidly growing in this area. The natural forests in this region provide the most suitable conditions for beekeeping and quality organic honey production free of pesticide residues and other agrochemical pollutants.

Honey constitutes a rich source of carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. This combination of molecules has increased the utility of honey both for therapeutic and nutritional purposes. Importantly, honey can be consumed alone or combined with other foods such as bakery products.

We are focused on providing market opportunities for these smallholder farmers so that they can generate income through honey production. We obtain our honey directly from farmers where we monitor the harvesting, filtration, and collection of the semi-refined raw honey. We also collaborate with Kenya Industrial Institute who provides us with technical support in processing and quality control. Our goal is to take this honey brand to the global market in its unique natural quality form and ensure that the benefits trickle down to the local smallholder farmers.

Some of the beneficial properties of honey include but not limited to:

  • Honey has been proven to exhibit antiparasitic, antiviral, and antibacterial properties
  • Honey has shown antioxidant activity, important in halting the formation of molecules that may lead to the development of cancers
  • Antitumor, antimutagenic and anti-inflammatory activity
  • Improves oral, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular health

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